Exec. Director @UNADAP
Advisory: UN Geopolitical Foreign Policy & Abraham Accords
Climate & Energy Advisory to Heads of States
Fortune 100 companies for SDGs/ ESG/ PRI/ DEI
International & Humanitarian Law
Artificial Intelligence Ethics Advisory
Government of India consultation
In February 2020, I was invited to New Delhi for a consultation with Supreme Court officials and the Govt. of India officials, to re-present my research paper on "Pornography" and how is alters the brain function of its consumers, especially adolescents. In September of 2014, I was invited to present my research paper at the Constitution Club of India, with representatives from various political parties. The research paper was titled, "Pornography and its devastating consequences on the women and children in India".
Adolescent health: 9 of 10 boys, 6 of 10 girls exposed to porn, say Experts
Former president of the Adolescent Health Academy, JS Tuteja cited a study by psychologist Dominic F Dixon, in which it was found that in India, a child as young as 11 years is exposed to pornography. Besides, there are at least 1.16 lakh requests every day for pornography videos in India online.
Hindustan Times, Chandigarh | By Amarpal Singh, Ludhiana
Pornogr@phy and its devastating consequences on the Youth & Women in the Nation of India
A research paper by Dr. Dominic Dixon, for the Government of India. This paper proves that pornographic use is addictive and has contributed to rape and molestation in India. This paper also proves that brain function deteriorates when watching porn.

Presentation at the Constitution Club of India,
on the negative affects of pornography on adolescents in India
New Delhi. 27.09.2014 Dr. Dixon was invited to present his research paper to the Leaders of India and to those who represent the Prime Minister. Those present were the leaders of the BJP, RSS, VHP and other groups of the Central Government. We welcome the change that is going to happen in this country, addressing the grave issues that are persisting!

Braving the onslaught of pornography
Dr. Dominic F Dixon interview