Exec. Director @UNADAP
Advisory: UN Geopolitical Foreign Policy & Abraham Accords
Climate & Energy Advisory to Heads of States
Fortune 100 companies for SDGs/ ESG/ PRI/ DEI
International & Humanitarian Law
Artificial Intelligence Ethics Advisory

Dr. Dominic F Dixon, Executive Director of UNADAP was the National Focal Point at the COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland. He was in high-level discussions with world leaders to join the Global Methane Pledge, which aims to reduce methane emissions by at least 30 per cent below 2020 levels by 2030. Canada has now pledged to reduce methane emissions in the oil and gas sector by 75 per cent below 2012 levels by 2030. Leaders of developing nations have sought $1.3 TRILLION a YEAR in climate financing from 2030, from wealthy nations. Part of the proposal was to draft sanctions to discourage and totally cease the subsidy and usage of coal.

Her Excellency, Ursula von der Leyen
President of the European Commission

For Dr. Dixon, it was an absolute honour to be seated in front of seven world leaders, and to be in discussion with them.
Led by Her Excellency, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, also a former German politician. Dr. Dixon a gender champion, was excited when to see a woman leader speak, and male leaders listen with awe and appreciation.
It was to negotiate and assist certain leaders of “developing nations” to demand accountability from “developed” nations, that have also been the most polluting nations since the industrial revolution. Part of his proposal was to demand restitution to the contribution of global rise in temperatures and natural calamities that were not so natural due to the cause-and-affect of climate change, but that would end up in the international courts.
The next best option was to “negotiate” for accountability and restitution through future funding. And now, leaders of developing nations have sought $1.3 TRILLION a YEAR in climate financing from 2030, from wealthy nations. Part of the proposal was to draft sancations to discourage and totally cease the subsidy and usage of coal.
In the vast area of the campus, in a conference room that was more like a fortress with security and secret service, with helicopters hovering, the security clearance was at its peak, that even cabinet ministers had to be accredited in advance to enter. Ministers were wanting to enter but couldn’t without proper accreditation, and the UN police were on high alert. And, as stated by Dixon, "it is obvious that because of divine intervention, by my Lord Jesus that I was supernaturally seated. Psalms 113:7-8 “7 “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes, with the princes of his people.”"
"The Scottish Event Campus (SEC) features the SEC Centre– five interconnected exhibition and meeting spaces, the iconic 3,000 seat SEC Armadillo and our most recent addition, The SSE Hydro – a 14,300 capacity concert, sporting and special events arena. With its infinite flexibility, the campus has gone from strength to strength and, with planned expansion and development, will continue to position Glasgow on the world stage."

The Hon'ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi has expressed his appreciation to Dr. Dixon for his hard work and commitment towards social justice, in helping the poor, and promoting India on international platforms. Mr. Modi briefly spoke to Dr. Dixon about his meeting with His Holiness, Pope Francis, and the future plans that were discussed.
Dr. Dixon, the focal point was in-charge of several agendas today, and was on the BBC News as well.
Please visit this space for further updates.

Invitation by the President of the United States
Below is a personal account from Executive Director, Dixon
I was invited as part of the U.S. President’s special guests, along with other PMs & Presidents, and was given a seat by the President and Bill Gates. At one point, I was in the closest proximity to the President. Not wanting to seem equal and respecting their positions, I moved back a seat to show them honour in my small way.
In a test of my own character, I’m refraining from posting personal pictures with the President and Bill Gates, as both of them were not at their best in appearance, as they were tired, jet lagged and fatigued. As I was sitting with them, the media went on a rampage and stated that the President was sleeping during the event and called him, “Sleepy Joe”, and they did the same to Bill Gates. I was on the BBC as well.
It is disgusting to say the least about such media bites. The U.S. President is after all, the leader of the world’s second most powerful nation, with India being the most powerful; and that position comes with great responsibilities. President Biden, at age 78 has unprecedented tasks, that outdoes his body, and we need to consider that. Even though I may not agree with all of his policies, I respect and honour President Biden as the head of state of the U.S.
I will be with him for the next Prayer and Breakfast meet.

His Excellency, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Mr. Boris Johnson held discussions with Dr. Dixon on the plenary sessions. Mr. Prime Minister had expressed his appreciation on the campaigns organised by the Executive Director, that has seen dramatic changes in foreign polices and anti-corruption. Dr. Dixon had authored a research paper of money laundering by world leaders, titled KLEPTOCRACY.
Kindly note: The secretariat has been requested by the COP 26 Presidency to notify delegations that the COP26 World Leaders Summit Presidency Summary been published and is available through the link below.
Please visit this space for further updates.

Executive Director, Dr. Dixon In discussion and negotiation with Canada’s Minister for Natural Resources and the former minister for Environment and Climate Change, Hon’ble Jonathan Wilkinson, to ensure that Canada’s commitment to climate action is upheld.
Dr. Dixon has been in negotiations with world leaders to join the Global Methane Pledge, which aims to reduce methane emissions by at least 30 per cent below 2020 levels by 2030. Canada has now pledged to reduce methane emissions in the oil and gas sector by 75 per cent below 2012 levels by 2030.
Canada will spend up to $1 billion in aid to help developing countries transition from coal-based electricity to clean power. Minister Wilkinson announced that Canada will invest $500,000 in a new partnership with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to support the transition of remote communities to renewable energy.
Minister Wilkerson stated that, “Canada is proud to be the founding member of this important IRENA initiative. “Our partnership will build a new global platform that will let Canada share its experience and expertise in clean energy for remote communities, helping communities around the world build their own capacity.”

Dr. Dixon was invited by the U.S Presidency & IFAD at COP26 Climate conference in Glasgow, and graciously given a front row seat, for the presentation of Goodwill Ambassadors of the United Nations’ International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), actor Idris Elba and Sabrina Dhowre, an actress, model and Miss Vancouver 2014.
Speaking to Dr. Dixon, Ms. Sabrina took out the phone and clicked selfies of them, as they engaged in cordiality and the future plans for Climate Action in Canada.

Princess Eugene, (Eugenie Victoria Helena) member of the British Royal Family, and the granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth, at the UK Presidency, in discussion with Dr. Dixon. An environmentalist, Princess Eugenie also works privately with a number of charitable organisations, including Children in Crisis and Anti-Slavery International.
The cordial discussions were several, including Dr. Dixon being an “Anglo Indian” and “chicken curry”.
Dr. Dixon comment stated: "She is a Princess, and literally lives in a palace; being a person of Royalty and privilege, yet, she exudes love and humility.

Dr. Dixon was at the Leadership plenary and encountered, Mr. Jagmeet Singh, a Canadian Member of Parliament (MP) and leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP). Mr. Singh led the Canadian delegation along with the Prime Minister of Canada.
Singh is an Indo-Canadian, making him the first visible minority to be elected to lead a major federal political party in Canada.
Dr. Dixon appreciated Mr. Singh's fight for justice for minorities in Canada.
Dr. Dixon assured the MP of his intervention into certain concerns that he had raised.
The Canadian Prime Minister had to leave before Dr. Dixon could arrive as his flight had come in late, and he couldn’t wait longer. Dr. Dixon will be drafting a proposal for a smoother immigration process for Indians wishing to study or migrate to Canada.
Australian Soils Forum
to regenerate soils and landscapes.

In the picture, is my meeting with the Archbishop of Uppsala, Most Rev. Antje Jackelén, from the Church of Sweden, an environmentalist herself.
(I was invited by Australia and to meet with the
Ambassador for The Environment H.E. Jamie Isbister)
Since I’ve been a gender champion and a promoter of “Women Power”, the Archbishop was quite welcoming as we discussed the role of women not just in the Church, but also in spirituality.
Archbishop Jackelén of Uppsala is Sweden's first foreign-born archbishop since the 12th century, and the first female Archbishop.
​On Monday, 4 May 2015, she had an official audience with Pope Francis in Rome. This made her the first woman and archbishop to be welcomed at the Vatican. She once again met Pope Francis when he visited Sweden during the turn of the 2016 October–November month switch, beginning the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. We both look forward to meeting Pope Francis in the months to come.
The Church at large, is going through a transition as we discover the misplaced role of patriarchy having led to misogyny in the Church. We have women leaders, provincials, but not Archbishops in some mainline Churches.
Whilst I may not agree with the doctrines of some denominations, I truly endorse the role of women archbishopric in the Church.
The Second Vatican Council, also known as Vatican II (1962 to 1965), was one of the most prolific councils in church history, that resulted in significant changes in the structures and practices of the Catholic Church. It sought, in the words of Pope John XXIII, aggiornaménto, “to bring the church up to date,” and many of the council’s decrees did bring the church into the modern world.
It’s time for another council!