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Dr. Dominic F Dixon





For the first time in the history of COP Climate conferences, a pavilion on Faith was installed, and this writes a new chapter on world climate diplomacy.


My book titled, “Climate Changed: Global Warming to Global Boiling” is the first ever technical book on Climate Change with a chapter on Faith. In the chapter, I’ve written from the encyclical of Pope Francis, “Laudato Si’”.


The book was graciously received by world political and religious leaders.


I believe that Faith leaders have a more potent reach than political leaders, to call for climate justice and sustainability.


On behalf of Pope Franics who could not make it for the presentation, the book was received by H.E. Christophe Z. El-Kassis Apostolic Nuncio to the UAE.

On behalf of the Islamic community, the book was received by His Holiness, Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin, the 53rd Da'i al-Mutlaq and Supreme Pontiff of the Dawoodi Bohra.


His Holiness, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, graciously welcomed me and received a copy of my book. He gifted me a copy of his book on the preservation of water.


Leaders from every continent have recieved a copy of my limited-gold-edition book.





Throughout the years, I have fostered meaningful connections with several ambassadors and diplomats, and these relationships have borne significant fruit in the realm of foreign policy.


The endorsements can be read here:


I am deeply grateful to Ambassador Ramūnas Davidsons from Embassy of Lithuania in the United Arab Emirates, representing the European Union, who graciously reviewed and endorsed my book. His invaluable contribution sheds light on Europe's pathway toward Climate Justice.


Dr. Ajay Mathur, Director General of the International Solar Alliance, undertook the meticulous task of reviewing and endorsing the manuscript amid his representation at India's G20 Presidency, extensive travels, and preparations for ISA's engagement at COP28.


A heartfelt appreciation goes to Dr. Sam Pitroda, the father of Indian telecom, and serial inventor, and advisors to Prime Ministers of India, for generously penning the foreword for the book, and having encouraged me with this publication.

Dr. @Nripendra Misra, IAS, the esteemed former Principal Secretary to Prime Ministers of India, has been a true source of inspiration. His commitment to revising the manuscript and endorsing it on my birthday in London this year is a testament to his dedication. Dr. Mishra's appointment to the Prime Minister's office was a rare event, requiring a constitutional amendment.

Dr. Faisal Ali Rashid PMP, Senior Director of the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy, took precious time to engage with me on the book and provide his endorsement, despite his demanding schedule in preparation for COP28 engagements,

A special mention goes to Mr. Mohammed Al Sheraifi, Chief negotiator for Loss and Damage, from the Office of the UAE Climate Change Envoy. His unwavering support ensured that the book, featuring a demanding chapter on "Loss and Damage," met the standards of accuracy, technical depth, and originality required for COP28.


My thanks to two senior world leaders Patricia Espinosa Cantellano , former UNFCCC Chief, and Ovais Sarmad, former UNFCCC Deputy Chief, for their tireless and painstaking leadership to make the world a better place - thank you!


Special thanks to the ever encouraging, leader to world leaders, @Dr. Dr. Mustafa Saasa.


Thanks to Ambassador Justin Mohamed & Matt T. @Venu V, Chief Secretary, Government of Kerala

These friends, not only endorsed the book but took the time to read the manuscript, offer valuable advice, and provide their blessings. Their support is undeniably a blessing in my life. With such esteemed personalities endorsing this technical book, I can only attribute it to the guiding hand of the Lord, for which I am eternally grateful.


Successful launch at the Canada pavilion with leaders who are shaping our city and province.

With Premier Danielle Smith, Don Iveson @Catherine Stewart


Wrapped up an enlightening session on Impactful Climate Policy, diving into Alberta's Carbon Pricing Emissions Trading System. Premier Smith's passion for investing in renewable energy in Alberta and advancing Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS) technology was truly inspiring. These are crucial steps in the journey towards a sustainable future—a topic I've delved into in my book. Grateful for the opportunity to engage in such meaningful discussions, and to have Premier Smith release the Canada edition of my book.


Minister Steven Guilbeault is leading Canada’s delegation to COP28, supported by Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change, Catherine Stewart and Jean-François Tremblay, Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate Change. Michael Bonser, Canada’s Chief Negotiator for Climate Change will lead Canada’s participation in the negotiations.


#ClimateAction #renewableenergy #Carboncapture #SustainabilityJourney

#climatechange #premierofalberta #cop28summit


Was graciously invited by Sri. ESHWAR KHANDRE, the Hon'ble Minister for Forest, Ecology & Environment, Govt. of Karnataka; to present my book on Climate Change. In addition to that, I had issued a comprehensive advisory.


Set of actionable points to further consolidate Karnataka's position as a leading state for sustainable development:

1. Conservation of Biodiversity: Strengthen efforts to protect and restore critical habitats, biodiversity hotspots, and wildlife corridors. Implement targeted conservation programs for endangered species and ecosystems, leveraging scientific research and community engagement. 2. Promotion of Renewable Energy: Expand renewable energy infrastructure and incentivize decentralized energy generation through rooftop solar installations and small-scale wind projects. Foster innovation in renewable energy technologies and facilitate private sector investments in clean energy solutions. 3. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development: Enhance support for farmer cooperatives, agri-businesses, and organic produce markets to promote sustainable agriculture and improve rural livelihoods. Integrate climate-smart agriculture practices and agroecological approaches into agricultural extension services. 4. Circular Economy and Waste Management: Promote the transition towards a circular economy by minimizing waste generation, encouraging recycling and resource recovery, and implementing extended producer responsibility programs. Invest in waste-to-energy facilities and decentralized composting infrastructure to manage organic waste effectively. 5. Climate Resilience and Disaster Management: Develop climate-resilient infrastructure and land-use planning guidelines to mitigate the impacts of climate change, particularly in flood-prone and coastal areas. Strengthen early warning systems, emergency response mechanisms, and community-based disaster preparedness initiatives. 6. Green Urban Development: Implement sustainable urban mobility plans, promote green building standards, and enhance green spaces in urban areas to improve air quality, reduce heat island effects, and enhance urban biodiversity. Foster collaboration with local governments and urban planners to integrate environmental considerations into urban development policies. 7.Education and Awareness: Launch public awareness campaigns and environmental education programs to encourage a culture of sustainability and eco-consciousness among citizens, businesses, and policymakers. Encourage youth involvement in environmental conservation through eco-clubs, nature camps, and green volunteering initiatives.


Was graciously invited by the Hon'ble Minister of Energy Department - Government of Karnataka, Sri. KJ George.


I was pleasantly surprised to see the Hon'ble Minister spring into action right before me, directing his officer to implement my recommendations aimed at mitigating climate change and promoting green and renewable energy in Karnataka. One key suggestion is to raise public awareness about individual carbon footprints.


Karnataka's accomplishments in renewable energy are noteworthy. The state continues to lead with significant investments and progressive policies, such as the development of Ultra Mega Renewable Energy Power Parks, including a 500 MW solar park in Bidar and several hybrid renewable energy parks across multiple districts. Karnataka will witness decades of immense growth in the renewable energy sector. Additionally, Karnataka's proactive adoption of the Green Open Access Rules facilitates easier procurement of renewable energy for commercial and industrial consumers. These measures are crucial in maintaining Karnataka's position as a front-runner in India’s renewable energy space.


Given Karnataka's strong foundation and ongoing projects, I would like to suggest seven actionable points to further enhance the state’s leadership in sustainable and renewable energy, aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and advisory to countries:

Please do read the images that contain the advisory points.


Set of actionable points to further consolidate Karnataka's position as a leading state for sustainable development:

1. Expand Renewable Energy Capacity (SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy): Continue to increase the state’s installed renewable energy capacity, targeting the ambitious goal of 60,000 MW by 2030, which includes significant contributions from solar and wind projects. Promoting floating solar projects on dams and reservoirs can be a strategic step in this direction. 2. Develop Energy Storage Solutions (SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure): Invest in advanced energy storage technologies such as pumped hydro storage and battery systems to ensure grid stability and manage peak demand effectively while Karnataka Aims to Develop 10 GW of New Renewable Energy Projects by 2027. 3. Promote Green Hydrogen Initiatives (SDG 13: Climate Action): Accelerate the implementation of green hydrogen projects by finalizing and promoting the state’s green hydrogen policy. Developing a pilot green hydrogen plant and encouraging public-private partnerships will position Karnataka as a leader in this emerging sector, as the state government increases the power production capacity in Karnataka; while India will witness decades of immense growth in the renewable energy. 4. Enhance Waste-to-Energy Projects (SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production): Scale up waste-to-energy initiatives, like the existing 11.5 MW project at Bidadi, to tackle waste management challenges while generating renewable energy. India will witness decades of immense growth in the renewable energy sector, and Karnataka must lead the way with the Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL) setting up a 300 kW self-sustained green hydrogen plant in the State. 5. Strengthen Regulatory Frameworks (SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions): Improve regulatory mechanisms to ensure transparency, ease of doing business, and timely approvals for renewable energy projects. Simplifying the approval process for connecting projects to the state and national grids will attract more investment as Karnataka continues to exhibit strong progress towards clean electricity transition, in the areas of Decarbonisation and Readiness and Performance of the Power Ecosystem. That apart, under the agricultural pumpset feeder solarisation scheme Phase-I 1,320 MW of energy produced in a decentralised manner to benefit 3,37,000 farmers, should be strategically monitored and meticulously implemented. 6. Promote Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities): Support the growth of electric vehicles (EVs) by expanding the network of charging stations across the state. The proposed installation of 2,500 EV charging stations and another 100 charging centres that will be set up through power supply companies at a cost of ₹35 crore, will encourage the adoption of EVs and reduce urban pollution. 7. Public Awareness and Training Programs (SDG 4: Quality Education): Launch extensive public awareness campaigns and training programs focused on renewable energy benefits and energy conservation practices. Collaborating with educational institutions and industry bodies to create a skilled workforce can support the sustainable energy transition, as proposed by the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Sri Siddaramaiah Ji, in alignment with the Panchamrit goals announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the COP26 summit, where I was with the Hon’ble Prime Minister in Glasgow, Scotland. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has projected a national energy consumption reduction target of 150 million tonnes of oil equivalent by 2030. With Karnataka leading the way, implementing energy efficiency and conservation initiatives is imperative to achieve India's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) goal of reducing the emission intensity of its GDP by 45% by 2030 compared to the 2005 level. Empirical studies have confirmed that energy conservation measures will play the most significant role in reaching the NDC target and addressing adverse climate change effects. These initiatives align with the UN’s advisory for countries to invest in renewable energy infrastructure, promote energy efficiency, and develop innovative technologies to combat climate change. They will not only help Karnataka meet its renewable energy targets but also create economic opportunities, reduce carbon emissions, and improve overall energy security. The strategic focus on innovation, regulatory enhancements, and stakeholder engagement will ensure that Karnataka remains at the forefront of India’s renewable energy revolution.


World leaders have trusted the advice and friendship of Dr. Dixon's vision for peace, strategy, climate action and governance. In this gallery are some of his most recent encounters. Please click on pictures for description.

World leaders, gold limited edition SOLD OUT on day 1.

Book your copy now for the million copy reprint or for a soft copy.

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INR  â‚¹5,995 for soft copy.


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"Dr. Dixon's publication, "Climate Changed: Global Warming to Global Boiling," stands as an exceptionally influential work within the realm of Climate Change and Foreign Policy literature.As a foremost expert in this field, Dr. Dixon has effectively directed our focus, delivering a compelling wake-up call."


  • The first-ever technical book on Climate Change, with a chapter on Faith and Climate, with an analysis on Pope Francis' encyclical "Laudato Si': On Care for Our Common Home.


  • For the first time in COP’s history, religious actors will make their contributions to environmental and climate protection visible in a dedicated pavilion, voicing concrete demands to policy and a multifaith statement


  • This book has been graciously endorsed by world leaders and released at the COP28 UAE.


Read the Foreword by Dr. Sam Pitroda,  world renowend Advisor to Prime Ministers of India, and the Founding Commissioner, United Nations Broadband Commission for Digital Development <<<CLICK HERE>




In the annals of human history, there are moments when our collective actions bear significance, moments when the fate of our planet and humanity hangs in the balance. We find ourselves in such a moment now, confronting a global challenge that defies borders and demands unwavering dedication to our future. In these times, we turn to all those whose knowledge, expertise, and passion have become guiding beacons in the quest for solutions. Dr. Dominic F Dixon, the esteemed author of "Climate Changed: Global Warming to Global Boiling," is one such beacon, a world-renowned authority whose dedication to combating climate change has inspired and informed leaders across the globe.


With nearly two decades of dedicated service as a domain expert, Dr. Dixon's credibility and influence extend far and wide. His profound impact on climate change policy and practice is evidenced by his dynamic relationships with world leaders, the United Nations, the UNFCCC, and other international organizations. Dr. Dixon's advisory roles and decision-making positions within climate and sustainability initiatives have shaped a more sustainable future. It is this unique vantage point and his commitment that have culminated in this extraordinary work.


"Climate Changed: Global Warming to Global Boiling" is a testament to Dr. Dixon's deep understanding of the complexities surrounding climate change. Within its pages, readers will find a treasure trove of meticulously researched information, a testament to the author's technical prowess. Dr. Dixon distills intricate scientific concepts into accessible insights, making this book an indispensable resource for both experts and those new to the subject. This is not merely a book; it is a comprehensive guide that navigates the labyrinth of climate science, politics, and policy with precision and clarity.


As we prepare to convene at COP28 in Dubai, UAE, the release of this book takes on special significance. It arrives at a moment when the world looks to the Middle East for leadership and innovation in tackling climate change. Dr. Dixon's work serves as a guiding light, offering insights and solutions that inspire global action. Its release at COP28 is a call to action, urgency, and a beacon of hope for a more sustainable future.


In closing, I extend my warmest congratulations to Dr. Dominic F Dixon on this excellent book. "Climate Changed: Global Warming to Global Boiling", which is a testament to his commitment to our planet and humanity. I’m certain that it will inspire and empower individuals, communities, and leaders alike to take meaningful action.


As we journey through the pages ahead, may we all be reminded that every one of us has a role to play in safeguarding our planet and forging a path to a resilient and thriving world for generations to come.


Sam Pitroda

2nd October 2023, on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti


About Dr. Sam Pitroda:

Former Advisor to Prime Ministers of India | Inventor

Father of Indian Telecom | Padma Bushan awardee by Govt. of India
Founding Commissioner, United Nations Broadband Commission for Digital Development

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